Just Breathe
I never hear the birds anymore. Lying in bed at the age of ten, I remember listening to the hum of the lawnmower while my dad cut the grass. With my window cracked, I could smell the fresh cuttings, and feel a gentle breeze. My bedtime was eight o'clock, so during the summer months, it was quite light outside. I would often lay awake daydreaming and listening to the birds. The mourning doves sang their mellow coo while the robins chirped warning of a looming red tail hawk. My mind would wander, and my imagination would run as I relaxed and daydreamed. Since growing up, I often recall this specific memory with fondness and longing. I often wonder why these moments of just being still and listening to the birds are so few nowadays. Let me bring you to the present time. I have found when I get up in the morning, I reach for my phone. Whether its watching videos or playing music, silence is not something I enco...